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We conducted experiments in order to examine whether the probiotic strain Shirota YIT9029 (LcS) and antagonism of and , involves inhibition of the swimming motility of these pathogens. We report the irreversible inhibition of the swimming motility of strain 1101 and reversible inhibition of serovar Typhimurium ( Typhimurium) strain SL1344 by compound(s) secreted by LcS. In 1101, irreversible inhibition results in the helical cells being progressively replaced by cells with ‘c’-shaped and coccoid morphologies, accompanied by a loss of FlaA and FlaB flagellin expression. In Typhimurium SL1344, transient inhibition develops after membrane depolarization and without modification of expression of FliC flagellin. The inhibitory activity of strain LcS against both Typhimurium and swimming motilities is linked with a small sized, heat-sensitive, and partially trypsin-sensitive, secreted compound(s), and needed the cooperation of the secreted membrane permeabilizing lactic acid metabolite. The inhibition of Typhimurium SL1344 swimming motility leads to delayed cell entry into human enterocyte-like Caco-2/TC7 cells and a strong decrease of cell entry into human mucus-secreting HT29-MTX cells.


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