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In , a ubiquitous pathogen of maize, virulence and mycotoxigenesis are regulated in response to the types and amounts of carbohydrates present in maize kernels. In this study, we investigated the role of a putative hexokinase-encoding gene () in growth, development and pathogenesis. A deletion mutant (Δ) of was not able to grow when supplied with fructose as the sole carbon source, and growth was impaired when glucose, sucrose or maltotriose was provided. Additionally, the Δ mutant produced unusual swollen hyphae when provided with fructose, but not glucose, as the sole carbon source. Moreover, the Δ mutant was impaired in fructose uptake, although glucose uptake was unaffected. On maize kernels, the Δ mutant was substantially less virulent than the wild-type, but virulence on maize stalks was not impaired, possibly indicating a metabolic response to tissue-specific differences in plant carbohydrate content. Finally, disruption of had a pronounced effect on fungal metabolites produced during colonization of maize kernels; the Δ mutant produced approximately 50 % less trehalose and 80 % less fumonisin B (FB) than the wild-type. The reduction in trehalose biosynthesis likely explains observations of increased sensitivity to osmotic stress in the Δ mutant. In summary, this study links early events in carbohydrate sensing and glycolysis to virulence and secondary metabolism in , and thus provides a new foothold from which the genetic regulatory networks that underlie pathogenesis and mycotoxigenesis can be unravelled and defined.

This study was supported by the:
  • Arkansas Center for Plant Powered Production
  • Arkansas Biosciences Institute
  • USDA/NIFA/AFRI (Award 10-65108-20567)

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