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Syntrophic growth involves the oxidation of organic compounds and subsequent transfer of electrons to an H- or formate-consuming micro-organism. In order to identify genes involved specifically in syntrophic growth, a mutant library of G20 was screened for loss of the ability to grow syntrophically with JF-1. A collection of 20 mutants with an impaired ability to grow syntrophically was obtained. All 20 mutants grew in pure culture on lactate under sulfidogenic conditions at a rate and to a maximum OD similar to those of the parental strain. The largest number of mutations that affected syntrophic growth with lactate was in genes encoding proteins involved in H oxidation, electron transfer, hydrogenase post-translational modification, pyruvate degradation and signal transduction. The gene, encoding a quinone reductase complex (Qrc), and , encoding the periplasmic tetrahaem cytochrome (TpIc), were required by G20 to grow syntrophically with lactate. A mutant in the gene, encoding an Fe-only hydrogenase (Hyd), is also impaired in syntrophic growth with lactate. The other mutants grew more slowly than the parental strain in syntrophic culture with JF-1. and were shown previously to be required for growth of G20 pure cultures with H and sulfate. Washed cells of the parental strain produced H from either lactate or pyruvate, but washed cells of , and mutants produced H at rates similar to the parental strain from pyruvate and did not produce significant amounts of H from lactate. Real-time quantitative PCR assays showed increases in expression of the above three genes during syntrophic growth compared with pure-culture growth with lactate and sulfate. Our work shows that Hyd, Qrc and TpIc are involved in H production during syntrophic lactate metabolism by G20 and emphasizes the importance of H production for syntrophic lactate metabolism in this strain.

This study was supported by the:
  • US Department of Energy (DOE)
  • US DOE (Award DE-AC02-05CH11231)

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