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The draft genome sequence of NBRC 14818 was determined by whole-genome shotgun sequencing and the transcriptome profile in cells exponentially grown on ethanol, acetate or glucose was analysed by using a DNA microarray. The genes for all enzymes that constitute the complete tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glyoxylate pathway were identified in the genome. The TCA cycle genes showed higher expression levels in cells grown on acetate or glucose and the glyoxylate pathway genes were significantly induced by ethanol or acetate. Many SOS-response genes were upregulated in cells grown on ethanol, indicating that ethanol provoked damage of DNA and proteins. The superoxide dismutase and catalase genes showed high expression levels in culture on glucose, indicating that oxidation of glucose induced oxidative stress. NBRC 14818 was found to have a highly branched respiratory chain. The genes for two type I and one type II NADH dehydrogenase were identified. The genes for one of the type I enzymes were highly expressed when cells were grown on acetate or glucose, but were significantly downregulated in culture on ethanol, probably because ubiquinones were directly reduced by pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase. Four sets of the genes for quinol oxidases, one -type (BO3), one -type and two cyanide-insensitive-types (CIOs), were identified in the genome. The genes for BO3, which might have proton-pumping activity, were highly expressed under the conditions tested, but were downregulated in the glucose culture. In contrast, the genes for one of the CIOs were significantly upregulated in cells grown on glucose. The two CIOs, which are expected to have lower energy-coupling efficiency, seemed to have a higher contribution in glucose-grown cells. These results indicate that energy conservation efficiency is fine-tuned by changing the respiratory components according to the growth conditions in cells.


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