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lacks the enzyme phosphofructokinase and, consequently, is incapable of metabolizing glucose. Instead, the pathogen uses a number of other chemicals to serve as electron donors. Like chemolithotrophic bacteria, is able to respire sulphite in the presence of a sulphite : cytochrome oxidoreductase (SOR) that is encoded by the genes and ; the former encodes a monohaem cytochrome oxidoreductase and the latter a molybdopterin oxidoreductase. After screening of a transposon-based mutant library, we identified a mutant with an insertion in gene that was strongly reduced in its capacity to infect Caco2 cells. Further characterization of a corresponding non-random knockout mutant together with a complemented mutant and the parental strain showed the -deficient mutant to exhibit clearly reduced motility and diminished adherence to host cells. Furthermore, the transcription of genes responsible for the synthesis of, in particular, legionaminic acid was downregulated and the mutant had a reduced capacity to autoagglutinate. In contrast, neither the proliferation of the mutant, nor its intracellular ATP content, was altered compared to the parental strain.

This study was supported by the:
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Award 906/13-1)
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

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