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The flagellin protein is glycosylated with structural analogues of the nine-carbon sugar pseudaminic acid. The most common modifications in the 81-176 strain are the 5,7-di-acetylated derivative (Pse5Ac7Ac) and an acetamidino-substituted version (Pse5Am7Ac). Other structures detected include acetylated and acetylglutamine-substituted derivatives (Pse5Am7Ac8OAc and Pse5Am7Ac8GlnNAc, respectively). Recently, a derivative of pseudaminic acid modified with a di-methylglyceroyl group was detected in NCTC 11168 strain. The gene products required for Pse5Ac7Ac biosynthesis have been characterized, but those genes involved in generating other structures have not. We have demonstrated that the mobility of the NCTC 11168 flagellin protein in SDS-PAGE gels can vary spontaneously and we investigated the role of single nucleotide repeats or homopolymeric-tract-containing genes from the flagellin glycosylation locus in this process. One such gene, Cj1295, was shown to be responsible for structural changes in the flagellin glycoprotein. Mass spectrometry demonstrated that the Cj1295 gene is required for glycosylation with the di-methylglyceroyl-modified version of pseudaminic acid.


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