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An locus, related to the multiple loci of , is conserved in all sequenced genomes, where it is associated with the developmental regulatory gene . Here we demonstrate that the operon, comprising part of the locus, has a novel morphogenetic function in the model species . This operon encodes two proteins belonging to the WXG-100 superfamily that can form a heterodimer and are secreted in the absence of signal sequences. A mutation in results in a delay in sporulation, with eventual development of aerial hyphae with chains of abnormally sized spore compartments possessing irregular DNA contents. During early sporulation, expression of the operon is elevated in a mutant. Other genes in the locus, notably and , encode components of a type VII secretion system. Disruption of either of these genes prevents secretion of EsxAB but has no effect on sporulation. To explain the morphogenetic function of EsxAB, we propose that the heterodimer sequesters a regulator of expression of genes involved in nucleoid organization during sporulation.


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