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adhesion protein (LAP), an alcohol acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (), interacts with host-cell receptor Hsp60 to promote bacterial adhesion during the intestinal phase of infection. The LAP homologue is present in pathogens (, ) and non-pathogens (, , ); however, its role in non-pathogens is unknown. Sequence analysis revealed 98 % amino acid similarity in LAP from all species. The N-terminus contains acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and the C-terminus an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Recombinant LAP from , , and exhibited ALDH and ADH activities, and displayed strong binding affinity ( 2–31 nM) towards Hsp60. Flow cytometry, ELISA and immunoelectron microscopy revealed more surface-associated LAP in pathogens than non-pathogens. Pathogens exhibited significantly higher adhesion (<0.05) to Caco-2 cells than non-pathogens; however, pretreatment of bacteria with Hsp60 caused 47–92 % reduction in adhesion only in pathogens. These data suggest that biochemical properties of LAP from pathogenic are similar to those of the protein from non-pathogens in many respects, such as substrate specificity, immunogenicity, and binding affinity to Hsp60. However, protein fractionation analysis of extracts from pathogenic and non-pathogenic species revealed that LAP was greatly reduced in intracellular and cell-surface protein fractions, and undetectable in the extracellular milieu of non-pathogens even though the transcript levels were similar for both. Furthermore, a LAP preparation from restored adhesion in a mutant (KB208) of but not in , indicating possible lack of surface reassociation of LAP molecules in this bacterium. Taken together, these data suggest that LAP expression level, cell-surface localization, secretion and reassociation are responsible for LAP-mediated pathogenicity and possibly evolved to adapt to a parasitic life cycle in the host.


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