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is a Gram-negative anaerobic organism that plays a central role in the development of periodontal diseases. The progression of periodontitis is associated with a rise in pH of the gingival sulcus which promotes the growth and expression of virulence factors by periodontopathic bacteria. We have previously reported that the expression of specific cytoplasmic proteins is altered by a shift in growth pH. In the present study we have compared cell envelope protein expression of during chemostat growth at pH 7.2 and 7.8. From a total of 176 proteins resolved from the cell envelope, 15 were found to have altered expression in response to an increase in growth pH and were identified by MS. Upregulated proteins included an outer membrane porin which has been identified as playing a role in virulence, a periplasmic chaperone which assists in the folding of outer membrane proteins, and a transporter thought to be involved with iron uptake. Proteins downregulated at pH 7.8 were consistent with our previous findings that the bacterium reduces its catabolism of energy-yielding substrates in favour of energy-storage pathways. Among the downregulated proteins, two transporters which are involved in the uptake of C4 dicarboxylates and phosphate were identified. A putative protease and an enzyme associated with the metabolism of glutamate were also identified. A high proportion of the cell envelope proteins suggested by these data to play a role in the organism's response to alkaline growth pH may have arisen by lateral gene transfer. This would support the hypothesis that genes that provide an ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the oral environment may be readily shared between oral bacteria.


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