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Sigma factors direct specific binding of the bacterial RNA polymerase to the promoter. Here we present the elucidation of the regulon in . A sequence-based regulon prediction of -dependent promoters revealed an operon encoding a mannose phosphotransferase system (PTS) as the best candidate for -mediated control. A () mutant derivative did not grow on mannose, confirming this prediction. Additional mutational analyses established the presence of one functional mannose PTS in , the expression of which is controlled by in concert with the -activator ManR. Genome-wide transcription comparison of the wild-type and the -deletion strain revealed nine upregulated genes in the wild-type, including the genes of the mannose PTS, and 21 upregulated genes in the mutant. The -controlled mannose PTS was shown also to transport glucose in wild-type cells, and its presence causes a lag phase when cultures are transferred from glucose- to galactose-containing media. The mannose PTS appeared to drain phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) pools in resting cells, since no PEP could be detected in resting wild-type cells, while mannose PTS mutant derivatives contained 1–3 μM PEP (mg protein). Our data provide new insight into the role of in and possibly other Gram-positive bacteria in the control of expression of an important glucose transporter that contributes to glucose-mediated catabolite control via modulation of the PEP pool.


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