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OmpR has been demonstrated to negatively regulate the expression of the flagellar master operon in a wide variety of bacterial species. Here we report the positive regulation of expression by OmpR in . A -dependent promoter was identified by primer extension analysis and an active region with two conserved OmpR-binding sites around the promoter was confirmed. To confirm the regulation of expression by OmpR, as well as the downstream flagellar genes , , , , and were fused to , and decreased expression of all these genes in an mutant (Δ) was detected. Furthermore, Δ was defective in bacterial motility and flagella synthesis. This defect was due to the low level of expression of in Δ since overproduction of FlhDC in Δ restored bacterial motility. The importance of two conserved OmpR-binding sites around the promoter region in the regulation of expression by OmpR was demonstrated by the fact that mutation of either one or both sites significantly decreased the promoter activity in the wild-type but not in Δ. The binding of OmpR to these two sites was also demonstrated by DNA mobility shift assay. The possible mechanism underlying this positive regulation in is discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first report to demonstrate that OmpR positively regulates expression.


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