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The phosphoenolpyruvate : carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) catalyses carbohydrate transport by coupling it to phosphorylation. Previously, we reported a R -glucoside PTS encoded by . Here we report that R contains an additional -glucoside PTS gene, , organized in a cluster with a putative phospho--glucosidase gene, , and a putative antiterminator, . While single gene disruption strains of either or were able to utilize salicin or arbutin as sole carbon sources, a double disruption strain exhibited defects in utilization of both carbon sources. Expression of both and was induced in the presence of either salicin or arbutin, although disruption of affected only expression. Moreover, in the presence of either salicin or arbutin, glucose completely repressed the expression of but only slightly repressed that of . We conclude that BglF and BglF2 have a redundant role in -glucoside transport even though the catabolite repression control of their encoding genes is different. We also show that expression of both and requires the general PTS.


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