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encodes a number of important genes that aid in survival during times of oxidative stress. The same immune cells capable of oxygen-dependent killing mechanisms also have the capacity to generate reactive nitrogen species (RNS) that may function antimicrobially. F62 and eight additional gonococcal strains displayed a high level of resistance to peroxynitrite, while and showed a four- to seven-log and a four-log decrease in viability, respectively. Mutation of gonococcal orthologues that are known or suspected to be involved in RNS defence in other bacteria ( and ) resulted in no loss of viability, suggesting that has a novel mechanism of resistance to peroxynitrite. Whole-cell extracts of F62 prevented the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine, and decomposition of peroxynitrite was not dependent on or . F62 grown in co-culture with strain DH10B was shown to protect viability 10-fold. Also, peroxynitrite treatment of F62 did not result in accumulation of nitrated proteins, suggesting that an active peroxynitrite reductase is responsible for peroxynitrite decomposition rather than a protein sink for amino acid modification.


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