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is highly resistant to antimicrobial peptides and we hypothesized that the conversion of UDP-glucose to UDP-glucuronic acid, a reaction catalysed by the enzyme UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (Ugd) would be important for this resistance. The genome of contains three predicted genes: , and , all of which were individually inactivated. Only inactivation of resulted in increased sensitivity to polymyxin B and this sensitivity could be overcome when either or but not was expressed from plasmids. The growth of a conditional mutant, created in the Δ background, was significantly impaired under non-permissive conditions. Growth could be rescued by either or expressed , but not by . Biochemical analysis of the purified, recombinant forms of Ugd and Ugd revealed that they are soluble homodimers with similar Ugd activity and comparable kinetic constants for their substrates UDP-glucose and NAD. Purified Ugd showed no Ugd activity. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression of was 5.4- and 135-fold greater than that of and , respectively. Together, these data indicate that the combined activity of Ugd and Ugd is essential for the survival of but only the most highly expressed gene, , is required for polymyxin B resistance.


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