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Pyriculol was isolated from the rice blast fungus and found to induce lesion formation on rice leaves. These findings suggest that it could be involved in virulence. The gene was identified to encode a polyketide synthase essential for the production of the polyketide pyriculol in the rice blast fungus . The transcript abundance of correlates with the biosynthesis rate of pyriculol in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, gene inactivation of resulted in a mutant unable to produce pyriculol, pyriculariol and their dihydro derivatives. Inactivation of a putative oxidase-encoding gene , which was found to be located in the genome close to , resulted in a mutant exclusively producing dihydropyriculol and dihydropyriculariol. By contrast, overexpression of resulted in a mutant strain only producing pyriculol. The cluster, furthermore, comprises two transcription factors and , which were both found individually to act as negative regulators repressing gene expression of . Additionally, extracts of and made from axenic cultures failed to induce lesions on rice leaves compared to extracts of the wild-type strain. Consequently, pyriculol and its isomer pyriculariol appear to be the only lesion-inducing secondary metabolites produced by wild-type (WT) under these culture conditions. Interestingly, the mutants unable to produce pyriculol and pyriculariol were as pathogenic as WT, demonstrating that pyriculol is not required for infection.


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