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has been shown previously to synthesize, in response to nodulation by sp. ACN14a, an array of peptides called symbiotic up-regulated peptides (ASUPs). In a previous study one peptide (Ag5) was shown to bind to nitrogen-fixing vesicles and to modify their porosity. Here we analyse four other ASUPs, alongside Ag5, to determine whether they have different physiological effects on grown sp. ACN14a. The five studied peptides were shown to have different effects on nitrogen fixation, respiration, growth, the release of ions and amino acids, as well as on cell clumping and cell lysis. The mRNA abundance for all five peptides was quantified in symbiotic nodules and one (Ag11) was found to be more abundant in the meristem part of the nodule. These findings point to some peptides having complementary effects on cells.


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