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( colonization factor) is one of the 12 putative chaperone/usher fimbrial clusters present in the serovar genome. We investigated the production, expression and regulation of as well as its role during interaction with human cells. The gene cluster was cloned and induced in and , and the production of intertwined fibres similar to the Cbl (cable) pili of was observed on the bacterial surface by electron microscopy. In , was expressed more after growth in M63 minimal medium than in standard Luria–Bertani medium. Analysis of the promoter region identified putative binding sites for the global regulators RcsB, ArgR and Fur. The expression of was measured in isogenic strains lacking these global regulators. Under the conditions tested, the results showed that expression was higher in the mutant and was regulated by iron concentration. Fur may regulate these fimbriae indirectly via the small RNAs RyhB1 and RyhB2. An isogenic mutant harbouring a deletion of the cluster did not demonstrate any defect in adhesion or invasion of human epithelial cells, or in phagocytosis or survival in macrophages, when compared to the WT serovar strain. However, the cluster contributed to adherence to human epithelial cells when introduced into . Thus, genes encode functional fimbriae that can act as an adhesin and may contribute to colonization during typhoid fever.


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