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The tryptophan-sensitive 3-deoxy---heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthases from A3(2), and have been purified to homogeneity. All three enzymes have a subunit of 54000. The DAHP synthase was physically and kinetically characterized and the N-terminal amino acid sequence was obtained. The N-terminal amino acid sequence could not be obtained for the enzymes from and , their N-termini apparently being blocked. However, following proteolytic digestion, internal amino acid sequences were obtained from both enzymes. A comparison with the known DAHP synthase sequences indicated that these DAHP synthases are unrelated to other microbial DAHP synthase sequences but are similar to plant DAHP synthases. Up until now, two distinct classes of DAHP synthase have been described, one comprising exclusively enzymes from plants, the other restricted to enzymes from micro-organisms. These studies indicate that the class containing the plant DAHP synthases also contains enzymes from a microbial eukaryote and from several bacteria.


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