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is a Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium that is the causative organism of footrot in sheep. A locus responsible for a modification of the host lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in was cloned and sequenced. Genetic studies showed that the modification occurred within the inner-core region of the host LPS, most likely to one or more of the heptose molecules. Antibodies eluted from the modified LPS reacted preferentially with the lipid-A-core region of LPS, suggesting that the cloned epitope was present in this region of the LPS. The gene responsible for the modification, , potentially encoded a polypeptide of approximately 37 kDa which was highly basic, a characteristic of enzymes which interact with the acidic inner LPS core. The gene appeared to be arranged in a complex operon with a downstream gene, , which encoded a protein with similarity to release factor 3.


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