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In diploid mycelium may mate with haploid mycelium in a process analogous to dikaryon-monokaryon matings in other basidiomycete fungi. Cultural characteristics and molecular markers were used to study inheritance of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in four diploid-haploid matings of . When haploids are mated with diploids, morphological changes from fluffy to flat in the haploid thallus can be used to follow mating progress. Progeny originating from the haploid thallus had mitochondrial haplotypes identical to the haploid parent. Progeny with fluffy colony morphology (putatively haploid) all had nuclear haplotypes identical to the haploid parent. Flat progeny (putatively diploid) had nuclear haplotypes either the same as the diploid parent or a combination of all of the diploid and haploid parent nuclear markers. Diploid-diploid pairings between the parents and flat progeny resulted in somatic incompatibility between genetically unlike diploids and demonstrated that somatic incompatibility is a reliable indicator of nuclear, but not mitochondrial, condition. The data suggest that nuclei of the diploid parent, but not mitochondria, migrate into the haploid thallus and eventually displace the haploid nuclei. In some instances, stable 2N + N dikaryons were maintained.


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