
Summary: Cytoplasmic ribosomal RNA extracted from and analysed by gel electrophoresis at 4 °C consisted of two components, with molecular weights (relative to rRNA) of 1·30 × 10 and 0·83 × 10 daltons, present in equimolar amounts. On heating briefly at 51 followed by rapid cooling, the 1·30 × 10 RNA completely dissociated into two components of molecular weights 0·70 × 10 and 0·56 × 10 (present in equimolar amounts). Fifty per cent dissociation of the molecule occurred at 28. That the integrity of the RNA molecule at low temperatures is maintained by its secondary structure was confirmed by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (98%, v/v, formamide). To account for these phenomena, latent cleavage of the molecule is proposed.


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