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SUMMARY: Forty-seven isolates of Sclerotinia species, collected from a variety of crops growing in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe, have been classified into three distinct groups on the electrophoretic patterns for soluble proteins, arylesterase, acid phosphatase, tetrazolium oxidase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-Iinked) and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate dehydrogenase. There were only small intra-group differences. The electrophoretic patterns of an isolate of Whetzelinia (= Sclerotinia) tuberosa were characteristically different from those of the other isolates. These results support the findings from previous studies when ontogenetic, electrophoretic and mycelial-interaction criteria were used to group a smaller number of isolates from New South Wales. Australia. It is concluded that S. sclerotiorum, S. trifoliorum and S. minor are three distinct species.