
SUMMARY: Phenotypes of isolates of H37RV showing resistance to the aminoglucoside antibiotics streptomycin, viomycin, kanamycin, capreomycin, tuberactinomycin N, lividomycin and paromomycin could be grouped into the following types: (1) resistant only to different levels of streptomycin; (2) resistant only to a low level of kanamycin; (3) triply resistant, to low levels of viomycin, tuberactinomycin N and capreomycin; (4) triply resistant, to a low level of kanamycin and high levels of lividomycin and paromomycin; (5) quadruply resistant, to a low level of capreomycin and high levels of kanamycin, lividomycin and paromomycin; (6) hextuply resistant, to high levels of viomycin, tuberactinomycin N, capreomycin, kanamycin, lividomycin, and paromomycin. Three modified types of the latter were also observed. Appearance rates of the six types were estimated as 10 to 10, 10, 10 to 10, 10, 10, and 10 to 10, respectively, in a total viable population of the parent strain. Mutations to all phenotypes were considered to be produced by single mutations. According to cross-resistance relationships, aminoglucoside antibiotics were classified into three groups: (I) streptomycin; (II) viomycin, tuberactinomycin N and capreomycin; (III) kanamycin, lividomycin and paromomycin. No cross-resistance relationship between streptomycin and other antibiotics was observed. Resistances to viomycin, tuberactinomycin N and capreomycin occurred by single mutation to type 3. Resistances to kanamycin, lividomycin and paromomycin occurred by single mutations to types 4 and 5. Low resistance to capreomycin was produced by mutation to type 5. Therefore capreomycin was considered to be an intermediate between the second and third groups. These two groups had a close relationship, as resistance to all six agents in these groups could be produced by a single mutation to type 6 (and its modified types).


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