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SUMMARY: The entire sexual apparatus (oospore-oogonium-antheridium, or ) of var. was isolated in large quantities free of mycelium. The cells were fractured in a Teflon tissue homogenizer and the wall fraction was washed with a cytoplasmic dialysate to prevent agglutination and a tendency to adhere to glassware. The wall preparations were a mixture of oospore and oogonium walls () and probably unrecognizable antheridial wall fragments. The walls constituted 47% of the dry weight of the . Insoluble glucans comprised almost 80 % of the wall; the main component was non-cellulosic -glucan(s) linked mainly through the 3-position. Less than 10% of the was cellulose. In addition to glucose, there were small amounts of mannose and glucosamine in the wall polymers. Proteins comprised about 12% of the ; the most abundant amino acids were arginine and glycine. Hydroxyproline, a component of oomycetous hyphal walls, was also present. Readily extracted lipids varied from 2·8 to 5·9%, while bound lipids comprised 5·4 to 5·9% of the wall. Most of the readily extractable lipids of the were found in the walls whereas bound lipids were mainly in the cytoplasmic fraction. Sterols (0·025%) were detected in the readily extracted lipid fraction. Phosphorus amounted to 0·55 % of the . There was substantial similarity in gross chemical composition between and hyphal walls of spp.


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