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SUMMARY: The mole fraction of guanine plus cytosine in the DNA from was 48%, similar to that of and the RM bacterium. DNA:DNA competition studies indicated that strains fall into two groups, both of which could reasonably be included in the family Enterobacteriaceae. The same two groups were apparent from a numerical taxouomic investigation of 19 strains which included 16 brewery isolates. The simple matching coefficients (%S) were calculated from results of 50 biochemical and taxonomic tests, and a dendrogram was constructed. Every isolate had the characteristics of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The two subgroups united at 86% S, and formed a cluster with Hafnia and Salmonella strains at 72.5%. S. The difference between and was almost entirely due to their different vigour rating. Furthermore, in a simulated brewery fermentation, two strains of grew in a mixed culture with yeast. This was originally the defining characteristic of the genus

We propose that reference to the genus should be discontinued, and that should be placed in the genus as comb. nov.


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