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SUMMARY: Bacteria of the acidovorans Pseudomonas group ( and ) utilize β-carboxy--muconate for growth via the β-ketoadipate pathway. Since protocatechuate, the only known metabolic precursor of β-carboxy--muconate, is utilized by these bacteria via another metabolic pathway, it appears that aa-carboxy--muconate can serve as a natural growth substrate.

The members of the acidovorans group are freely permeable to β-carboxy--muconate and in this respect they differ from other Pseudomonas species.

Unlike other bacteria ( and other species of ) the acidovorans group of do not use protocatechuate or β-ketoadipate as an inducer of β-carboxy--mucortate lactonizing enzyme and -carboxy muconolactone decarboxylase. In and the inducer of these enzymes appears to be β-carboxy--muconate (or -carboxymuconolactone). In , but not in , aa-ketoadipate serves as an inducer of muconolactone isomerase. Therefore strains of and may be identified by the unique mechanism that they employ to govern synthesis of the enzymes of the β-ketoadipate pathway.


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