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Summary: The species is defined more precisely, and a method is presented whereby apyocyanogenic strains of this species can be correctly identified. This method depends upon the correlated characteristics: (1) ability to grow at 41° ± 1; (2) ability to oxidize potassium gluconate, in shaken culture, to a reducing compound presumed to be potassium 2-ketogluconate; (3) production of slime in static culture in a medium containing potassium gluconate as the principal carbon source.

All strains of tested, regardless of their pigment-forming capacity or their stage of growth, could be converted to a type of growth characterized by profuse sliminess in liquid potassium gluconate medium.

Detection of pyocyanogenic capacity is shown to be equally reliable in Gessard’s glycerol peptone agar and in Burton’s defined medium when negative results in one or the other medium are rechecked in both, and when the observation period in Burton’s medium is lengthened.


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