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SUMMARY: A liquid medium based on peptone, yeast extract and glucose is described, which is capable of supporting massive growth of ‘Hildenborough’ and certain other strains of sulphate-reducing bacteria. When peptone is used in large amounts yeast extract may be omitted, though yeast extract is stimulatory when the peptone supply is suboptimal. Glucose is better than lactate in this medium. Bicarbonate increases the growth rate. More than one factor is responsible for growth stimulation by peptone and yeast extract; the factors responsible for the stimulation shown by yeast extract in the presence of inadequate peptone are water-soluble and not removed by various extraction procedures. Cysteine promotes growth, and serine, ornithine and isoleucine act synergistically with it. These amino-acids do not account for the whole activity of peptone and yeast extract.


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