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SUMMARY: Root-nodules of spp., and are modified lateral roots. The enlarged cortical cells of an actively growing nodule contain the endophyte in several stages of development, The apical meristem is free from infection but the cells just behind it show a plasmodial stage. In older parts of the nodules, spherical vescles are formed in species of and and club-shaped bodies in and from these small, bacteriod-like granules are produced. There is some evidence that granules formed in different host cells fuse in pairs and possess some ability to migrate within the nodule and into the soil. No definite hyphae can be seen in any of the nodules, but well-marked protoplasmic strands or lines of flow are present, particularly in the endophyte of

The controversial views of earlier writers are discussed, and it is concluded that the nodule organisms are members of the Plasmodiophorales.


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