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Two nocardiophages were isolated from soil samples: one, called ⊘C, was specific for the mating type; the other, called ⊘C, proliferated in and mating types. Inactivation of phage ⊘C was rapid in NaCl solutions, with chloroform, 0–3% hydrogen peroxide and 30% (v/v) ethanol in water. Phage ⊘C behaved similarly but was less labile in NaCl solutions. Both phages were resistant to diethyl ether. Phage ⊘C could be propagated to titres of 10 plaque-forming units/ml. on a medium containing peptone, yeast extract and calcium nitrate; the highest observed titres of phage ⊘C were also produced in this medium. A chemically defined medium for proliferation of phage ⊘C consisted of inorganic salts, valine, isoleucine, leucine, nicotinamide, glycerol. Other variables which affected the growth of these phages were the amount of phage and host inocula and the age of the host before infection. Phage ⊘C was distinct from other nocardiophages in its ability to attach quickly and efficiently to its host; 95% of the phage attached, and attachment was time and temperature dependent. Attachment of phage ⊘EC was slow and inefficient, reaching only 34%. The latent period for phage ⊘C was about 25 min., the increase period was 35 min. and the burst size about 60 particles/infective centre. The latent period of phage ⊘EC was 180 min. and the burst size about 20 particles. Both these nocardiophages possessed the typical actinophage morphology.


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