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A total of 3919 brucella cultures was examined for lysis by five brucella phages, using a routine test dilution () and 10,000 x All cultures of examined were lysed by all five phages at both dilutions. In addition, all cultures with the oxidative metabolic pattern characteristic of , irrespective of their properties as determined by conventional typing methods, were lysed by both phage dilutions. Cultures of were not lysed by phages at but all showed lysis by phages at 10,000 x Cultures of and those with the oxidative metabolic pattern characteristic of , irrespective of their properties as determined by conventional typing methods, were not lysed by phages at either dilution. All five phages used (Tb, 10/I, 24/II, 212/XV and 371/XXIX) displayed an identical host range; this was confirmed by neutralization tests with antiphage sera.


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