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A regular pattern of morphogenetic responses to factorially arranged variations in concentrations of NHCl, KHPO and glucose was found common to ten strains of Memnionella and Stachybotrys. Three phases of morphogenesis were observed: sterile swollen mycelium, sterile filamentous hyphae, and hyphae with conidiophores. The morphological status of the mature colony was found to be related both to the absolute concentrations of NHCl and KHPO, and to the ratio of these concentrations. At high values of the ratio the mycelium remained in the sterile swollen phase; at intermediate values the mycelium was mainly filamentous and sporing occurred; at low values the hyphae were filamentous but less fertile. Increase in concentration of KHPO favoured filamentation whereas increase in the concentration of NHCl favoured swelling of the cells and suppressed sporulation. Glucose concentration determined mainly the extent of growth and intensity of sporulation, although some interaction between the effects of glucose and NHCl on sporulation were observed. A general set of conditions is proposed for the propagation of Memnionella and Stachybotrys in the sporing phase. It is suggested that the factorial design of nutritional experiment is appropriate for cultural studies fundamental to the taxonomy of fungi.


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