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SUMMARY: The structure of tobacco rattle virus was studied by examining with the electron microscope: (1) shadow-cast mounts of particles partly degraded with alkali, sodium dodecyl sulphate or phenol; (2) unshadowed mounts on thin carbon film of particles treated with solutions of lanthanum nitrate, uranyl acetate, osmium tetroxide, phosphomolybdic acid or phosphotungstic acid.

The particles were tubular, with a central hole of approximately 4 m diameter and an outside diameter which varied from 17 to 25 m according to treatment. Next to the central hole, which could be filled with lanthanum nitrate or with uranyl acetate, was a region 1–1·5 m thick, which stained heavily with osmium tetroxide, phosphomolybdic and phosphotungstic acids. The rest of the particle stained lightly with uranyl acetate, phosphomolybdic and phosphotungstic acids, and showed transverse bands 2·5 m apart. It is suggested that these bands may represent a helical structure similar to that of tobacco mosaic virus, which tobacco rattle virus resembles in many respects.

Some properties of tobacco rattle virus have already been reported (Harrison & Nixon, 1959) and we now describe the structure of the particles as revealed by electron microscopy.


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