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SUMMARY: Samples of Rothamsted and Woburn soil were either partially sterilized, totally sterilized or untreated. Representative samples of each treatment were inoculated with a pure culture of and other samples, uninoculated, were kept as controls. The change in numbers of nocardias/g. soil was followed at intervals for one year. In partially-sterilized soil wide fluctuations occurred during the first month, followed by a steadying in count, and at the end of the year was still present in high numbers. The numbers of bacteria in such a soil were depressed in comparison with the uninoculated control. disappeared from an untreated soil in 6 months. The wide fluctuations in numbers in partially sterilized soil were correlated with a regular cyclical morphological development of . This was demonstrated by morphological observations and a soilshaking method. Peak counts corresponded to the rod form and troughs to the mycelial form and the steadying in count to the rod form.


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