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Summary: A series of experiments with culture media was carried out dealing with: (1) the action of different salts and their interaction in the medium; (2) the relation of the nitrogen source to the action of the salts; (8) the effect of the carbon source; (4) the proportionate influence of the salts in the medium; (5) the rate of growth. The results showed that this fungus grew well at 26° with an initial pH value of 7·0–8·0 and a growth period of 6–7 days. Statistical analysis of the results showed: () that under the given conditions an aqueous medium containing: 4%(w/v) glucose; 0–048 -KHPO ; 0·012 -MgSO.7HO; 0·025 -(NH)SO; 2p.p.m. Zn, Fe and Mn, produced optimal growth measured as mg. dry wt.; () a balance did not exist between KCl, KHPO and MgSO; () a balance did not exist between the concentration of glucose and (NH)SO; ) a balance existed between KHPO and (NH)SO; () this fungus could only utilize KNO or Ca(NO) to a negligible extent, while the best source found for nitrogen was (NH)SO; the most available phosphorus source was KHPO; () the rate of growth followed a sigmoid curve in a nutritionally optimal solution but in the minimal solution used the onset of decline in dry weight was delayed; () the importance of a balanced solution is that in suitable media the buffering action of the phosphate controls the onset of acidity inimical to growth.


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