
Characteristics of residing in the vagina and their role in extraintestinal infections are largely unknown. In this study, 88 vaginal (VEC) isolates from Japanese women were characterized by extraintestinal virulence factor (VF) profiling, O:H serotyping and phylogenetic analysis. The prevalence of , , , PAI, and K1 antigen among the VEC strains were 45, 22, 19, 78, 32 and 44%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis identified 76, 16 and 8% of the VEC strains in groups B2, D and A, respectively. The VEC strains were distributed into 31 serotypes, including 8 common serotypes (O1:K1:H1, O1:K1:H7, O2:K1:H7, O4:H5, O6:H1, O18ac:K1:H7, O25:H1 and O75:HNM) that were identified in three or more isolates. Comparative analysis with 61 stool isolates from healthy Japanese men and women, and with data from previous studies, revealed that, although some geographical specificities do exist, the VEC strains shared common VF profiles, O:K:H serotypes and phylogeny with uropathogenic and of neonatal septicaemia and meningitis. This study provides additional evidence for a link among extraintestinal , supporting the concept that the VEC are a reservoir along the ‘faecal–vaginal–urinary/neonatal’ course of transmission in the extraintestinal infections.


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