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The methylotrophic yeast exhibits formaldehyde dehydrogenase activity (FLD, EC during growth on methanol as a sole carbon source. The structural gene, , was cloned from a genomic library of . The 1263 bp gene contained a 123 bp intron and its exon encoded a gene product of 380 amino acids, whose predicted amino acid sequence showed high similarity to the sequences of FLDs from other organisms. The gene was disrupted in the genome by one-step gene disruption. The Δ strain could not grow on methanol as a carbon source under methanol-limited chemostat culture conditions, even with low dilution rates (<005 h), whereas a strain with a disruption in the gene for formate dehydrogenase (FDH; another NADH-generating dehydrogenase involved in the formaldehyde oxidation pathway) could survive. These results indicated that FLD, but not FDH, is essential for growth of on methanol.


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