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encodes two-component signal systems. Recently, it was established that the viability of the mutant is attenuated in the mouse, suggesting the requirement of the gene for intracellular growth. It is now largely acknowledged that mannosylated lipoarabinomannans (ManLAM) play a key role in intramacrophagic survival by altering the macrophage functions. So ManLAM were extracted and purified from the MT103 wild-type strain and from the mutant. Their two major functional domains (i) the mannooligosaccharide caps and (ii) the mannosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor were here investigated. Using capillary electrophoresis, it is demonstrated that both mutant and wild-type strains share the same capping motifs: mono-, di- and trimannosyl α(1→2) units, with the same relative abundance. Using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, the same acyl forms were found to be shared by both strains. However, their relative abundance was quite different. Indeed, in the mutant a decrease of the triacylated ManLAM and an increase of the monoacylated ManLAM were observed. The difference in the proportion of ManLAM acyl forms and the reduced virulence of the mutant are discussed.


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