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DNase A is a non-specific endonuclease of . The enzyme was purified to homogeneity and its properties studied both and . Magnesium but not calcium was essential for nucleolytic activity. Manganese ions substituted for magnesium but were less stimulatory. DNase A activity was markedly inhibited by either NaCl or KCl at concentrations greater than 75 mM. The enzyme had a temperature optimum of 25 °C and a pH optimum of about 70. Values for and were determined to be 61 μM and 330 s respectively, with a catalytic efficiency approximately threefold greater than bovine pancreatic DNase I, but 10-fold less than the NucA. DNase A was localized to the periplasm and probably exists as a monomeric species. The enzyme possessed one or more disulfide bonds. In the reduced form it had an apparent mass of 33 kDa, while in the oxidized form it was 29 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. Reduction of the disulfide bonds by dithiothreitol with or without subsequent alkylation by iodoacetamide strongly inactivated the enzyme. DNase A accumulated had an apparent mass of 29 kDa, indicating that it was in an oxidized form. This is the first indication in a strict anaerobe of a functional periplasmic disulfide bond forming system, phenotypically similar to Dsb systems in facultative and aerobic bacteria.


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