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serovar Enteritidis is a leading cause of food poisoning in the USA and Europe. Although serovars share many fimbrial operons, a few fimbriae are limited to specific serovars. SEF14 fimbriae are restricted to group D and the genes encoding this virulence factor were acquired relatively recently. Genomic, genetic and gene expression studies have been integrated to investigate the ancestry, regulation and expression of the genes. Genomic comparisons of the serovars sequenced revealed that the operon is inserted in in Enteritidis, Paratyphi and Typhi, and revealed the presence of a previously unidentified 25 kb pathogenicity island in Typhimurium at this location. Enteritidis contains a region of homology between the virulence plasmid and the chromosome downstream of the operon. The operon itself consists of four co-transcribed genes, , and adjacent to there is an AraC-like transcriptional activator that is required for expression of the genes. Expression of the genes was optimal during growth in late exponential phase and was repressed during stationary phase. The regulation was coordinated by the RpoS sigma factor.


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