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A component that binds to human lymphoid cells was isolated from the membranes of PG8. The component was extracted using the Bligh–Dyer method and purified using a silica-gel column and TLC. The active component was identified as 3--[2′--(α-D-glucopyranosyl)- 6′--acyl-α-D-glucopyranosyl]-1,2-di-- acyl-sn-glycerol (GAGDG) using H- and C-NMR and GC-MS. The compositions of the major saturated fatty acids were nC (178%), isoC (107%) and nC (349%) as determined by GC-MS. The amounts of unsaturated species were less than 10% of those of the corresponding saturated acids. GAGDGs which have three tetradecanoyl groups were synthesized. These synthetic GAGDGs, as well as GAGDGs derived from membranes, had a high binding affinity for MOLT-4 and HUT-78 (human T cell lines), Raji (a B cell line), HL-60 (a monoblastoid cell line) and primary cultured human T cells. The binding affinities of GAGDGs with an isoC acyl group was higher than those with nC and nC acyl groups. The binding to lymphoid cells reveals a novel biological activity of GAGDGs.


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