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The sequence of , encoding the prokaryotic translation-initiation factor 2 (IF2), was determined in eight strains of (group B streptococcus) and an alignment revealed limited intraspecies diversity within . The amino acid sequence of IF2 from and from related species were aligned and revealed an interspecies conserved central and C-terminal part, and an N-terminal part that is highly variable in length and amino acid sequence. The diversity and relationships in a collection of 58 genetically distinct strains of were evaluated by comparing a partial sequence of . A total of six alleles were detected for the region of analysed. The alleles correlated with the separation of the same strains of into major evolutionary lineages, as shown in previous work. The partial sequences of were furthermore used in phylogenetic analyses of species closely related to , yielding an evolutionary tree which had a topology similar to a tree constructed using 16S rRNA sequences from the same species.


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