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Ninety-three strains of different origin were analysed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). Fourteen of the 15 genetic loci analysed were polymorphic, whilst nucleoside phosphorylase was monomorphic. There was a mean of six alleles per locus and a mean genetic diversity of 0393. Cluster analysis identified 90 electrophoretic types (ETs) separated into two major phylogenetic divisions at a genetic distance of 070. Division I consisted of 81 ETs carrying the endogenous class A β-lactamase gene , whereas division II comprised 9 ETs carrying the class B β-lactamase gene , but not . The presence of these two genes was assessed by PCR and the expression of the gene was investigated by determining the level of resistance to the antibiotic imipenem. MLEE showed a smaller genetic distance among the genotypes of the imipenem-resistant than among the imipenem-susceptible strains. No other particular cluster was observed. The enterotoxin gene () was detected by PCR: DNA sequencing of the products obtained showed that the different alleles (, ) were scattered randomly troughout the phylogenetic tree. No association between distinct clones and clinical manifestations (sepsis, abscesses, diarrhoea), geographical origin or host origin (human or animal) could be found.


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