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Adhesion of to saliva-coated surfaces is an important early step in the colonization of the oral cavity. cells also adhere to several species of oral streptococci including , and in what are believed to be multi-modal interactions. It is now demonstrated that incubation of streptococcal cells of these species with human parotid saliva further promotes the adhesion of cells by up to 23-fold. Various species of streptococci were shown to adsorb different protein components of parotid saliva to their cell surfaces. The basic proline-rich proteins (bPRPs), to which cells bind on nitrocellulose blot overlay, were strongly adsorbed to the surface of cells but not to cells. Parotid saliva that was pre-adsorbed with cells and then applied to hydroxylapatite beads was <50% effective at supporting adhesion of compared with control (non-adsorbed) saliva, demonstrating that bPRPs are major pellicle receptors. cells did not adsorb bPRPs from fluid-phase parotid saliva. Following size-exclusion chromatography of parotid saliva samples, pooled fractions enriched in bPRPs promoted maximal adhesion of to cells. The results demonstrate that cells recognize only surface-bound forms of bPRPs and suggest that these proteins adsorbed to enamel or to streptococcal surfaces promote adhesion and oral colonization.


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