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Different classes of cell wall degrading enzymes produced by the biocontrol fungi and inhibited spore germination of in a bioassay . The addition of any chitinolytic or glucanolytic enzyme to the reaction mixture synergistically enhanced the antifungal properties of five different fungitoxic compounds against . The chemicals tested were gliotoxin, flusilazole, miconazole, captan and benomyl. Dose response curves were determined for each combination of toxin and enzyme, and in all cases the ED values of the mixtures were substantially lower than ED values of the two compounds used alone. For instance, the addition of endochitinase from at a concentration of 10λg ml reduced the ED values of toxins up to 86-fold. The level of synergism appeared to be higher when enzymes were combined with toxins having primary sites of action associated with membrane structure, compared with pesticides having multiple or cytoplasmic sites of action. Among enzymes tested, the highest levels of synergism with synthetic fungicides were detected for the endochitinase from strain P1, which, when used alone, was the most effective chitinolytic enzyme against phytopathogenic fungi of those tested. The use of hydrolytic enzymes to synergistically enhance the antifungal ability of fungitoxic compounds may reduce the impact of some chemical pesticides on plants and animals.


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