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A numerical phenotypic taxonomic study of 315 strains of and some allied bacteria examined for 155 phenotypic tests showed 31 groups, most of which were reasonably distinct. These fell into four major areas. Areas A, B and C contained species of , whereas area D contained the organisms known as ‘false neisserias’ together with and species. Area A contained (which showed two subgroups), (with two subgroups, and closely associated), subsp. and Area B contained mainly organisms from the human nasopharynx, and the nine groups were not very distinct: only three, and could be recognized by the presence of type strains, and there was little relationship between taxonomic position and species epithets. Area C contained several groups from animals, and two phenons that may be justified as new species of , one from lizards and the other from dental plaque of herbivores. Area C also contained (with ), type strain of and the CDC groups M-5 () and EF-4. Area D contained , a combined group which consists of strains of the ‘false neisserias’and , the ‘false neisserias’ , and a group of strains. A small group representing is included in area D. Mean test error was 1.7%.


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