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Plasmid pEST4011 enables PaW85 to degrade 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CBA). This new 2,4-D degradative plasmid has considerable homology with the regions of pJP4 containing the 2,4-D degradative genes . Restriction fragment HI-B of plasmid pEST4011, which has homology with this region, was cloned into the broad-host-range vector pKT240 and studied in PaW85. Restriction mapping, hybridization analysis and enzyme assays established the location of the genes for 2,4-D monooxygenase 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase and the and regulatory genes on this fragment. Plasmid pEST4012 is a derivative of pEST4011 derived through the spontaneous deletion of a 42 kbp DNA fragment, which results in the loss of the 2,4-D and 3-CBA phenotype. We present here the physical maps of pEST4011 and pEST4012. In spite of the similarities in functions, the size (70 kbp), order of catabolic genes and restriction pattern of pEST4011 are clearly different from those of pJP4.


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