
Genomes of 55 Dutch porcine () and non-pathogenic Serpulina isolates were characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and DNA hybridization. The Dutch porcine isolates were compared with American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strains of and and isolates of with known serotypes (reference strains). REA of the Dutch isolates resulted in two main patterns, while the non-pathogenic isolates had many distinct REA patterns, all different from the strains. The reference strains all had distinct REA patterns, different from the Dutch strains. Upon Southern hybridization with a DNA fragment encoding a flagellar protein, all strains could be divided in two groups. The non-pathogenic Serpulina strains had many distinct hybridization patterns and hybridized less intensely. Upon hybridization with a DNA fragment encoding a haemolysin, DNA of all strains reacted in the same band. DNA of non-pathogenic Dutch Serpulina strains and did not hybridize. It was concluded that there are two main genotypes of in the Netherlands. This could be of importance for recombinant DNA vaccine development.


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