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A mutant of that has a long lag phase when grown in medium that contains less than 10 μ-CaCl was isolated from UV-irradiated conidia. However, the rate of uptake of calcium ions by mycelium and the dependence on magnesium ions of the growth of this mutant were the same as those of the wild-type strain. The phase of the circadian clock, within the entire circadian cycle of the mutant, could not be shifted by exposure to fluorescent white light during growth in liquid medium. However, a brief incubation at high temperature resulted in a large shift in phase, and the phase response fnve for the mutant was similar to that for the wild-type strain. The mutant strain had the same sensitivity to light as the wild-type strain with respect to carotenoid synthesis. The relevant mutation may affect the process involved in transduction of signals from the light-perception system to the clock mechanism and this process may be related to calcium homeostasis in cells.


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