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Phage X-2, a filamentous rod about 950 nm in length, was isolated from sewage as plating on strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium or Serratia marcescens carrying either the IncX plasmid R6K, or the unique plasmid R775. Phage X-2 differs morphologically from a previously described very broad host range filamentous phage X which also lyses plasmid R6K-carrying strains and the phages differ in their resistance to inactivation by diethyl ether. Phage X-2 is serologically unrelated to phage X and the X-like phages IKe and I2-2. The adsorption site of the phage on the plasmid-bearing strains could not be determined but evidence implicating conjugative pili is presented.
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